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    Sunday, October 26, 2008


    Once the bugs die off and the river warms, we spend more time up north at the cabin. We started the season off with a weekend trip to join Autumn, MacKenzie and the rest of the Axner/Wyckoff crew. A visit by a bat in the wood stove led us to tell fun ghost stories. Our next trip was a combination of visiting the Engels at Aspen Lodge and trip into the BWCA. It was the first time Cheddar ventured onto canoe waters. The paddle into camp was sunny and trouble free, perfect. On the way back, the wind picked up and Cheddar decided to jump ship. Luckily he was hooked into his life jacket for easy recovery. Aspen Lodge was filled with our usual skinny dip, cribbage and good food.

    After two family trips, we took a bunch of friends up with us for the weekend. We spent our time playing lots of games while the dogs ran wild. Lastly, we had a chill weekend with the Becketts. With cold weather approaching, we cuddled up near the fire for some much needed relaxation.

    1 comment:

    Katie said...

    I LOVE this photo of Cheddar! It should be in the Minnesota Bureau of Travel's Visitor Guide to the state! Hope that you have a great birthday!


    This blog was originally created to keep family and friends updated throughout our travels. Over time, it has morphed into more than just our time abroad.

    Phase Three: Old Towns, Islands and Nature
    Phase Two: Keeping our Feet in Motion
    Phase One: Exploring the East