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    Tuesday, September 4, 2007

    Frankly Awesome

    The State Fair is always a good time for all. When we're lucky, we come across a rare time that makes the experience Frankly Awesome. What could render such an opportunity? Meeting Al Franken! He was genuine and friendly, we were star struck.

    Since our last major update, we've been doing our best to make the most of the remaining days of summer. We've spent multiple weekends up north between both cabins. Cheddar took us up to Boulder Lodge for a weekend of relaxation. Trevor spent a weekend up at Aspen Lodge with the Engel family while Rebecca maintained B.W.E. status and welcomed the Friedman's to town. We spent another weekend at Boulder Lodge with Sara, Scott, Jennifer and Bryan. Each trip was filled with sun and no bugs, perfect.

    Between the cabin visits, we flew out to Orlando to celebrate Josh and Ira's marriage. We took a day to ourselves and visited Blizzard Beach, a Disney theme park with the tallest water slide in America (120 ft). What a rush! The rest of the weekend was spent with family. The ceremony and reception were beautiful. A good time for all!

    Other than weekends away, Becky has been kicking us into shape with her awesome circuit training programs. We shared the pain with Sara, Scott, Jennifer and Bryan while the Danaher's traveled through Europe. We now all hate and love Becky depending on if it's during or after the work-out.

    You'd think all that would have kept us busy enough. Yet we've still had time to get our front steps redone and our sewer fixed. We'll be celebrating Trevor's birthday shortly. He'll be a whopping 28 years old! We're looking forward to another visit to Chicago, Autumn, Jeremy and Mackanzie's visit, Erich and Jess's wedding in San Francisco, and hopefully another trip or two up north before fall kicks in!


    Katie said...

    Al Franken???? I'm so jealous--and so honored to know the Axners cuz then it's like I know Big Al :-)

    Unknown said...

    I love your comments about circuit training. Now that I know you still love me at times...I can bump up the intensity...yes?

    Rebe...going to miss you this week. And going to miss both of you over the weekend. Have a great St. Louis and San Fran trip. - Becky (I think this just shows up as 'family' - our name is family.danaher)


    This blog was originally created to keep family and friends updated throughout our travels. Over time, it has morphed into more than just our time abroad.

    Phase Three: Old Towns, Islands and Nature
    Phase Two: Keeping our Feet in Motion
    Phase One: Exploring the East