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    Sunday, November 13, 2016

    The times have changed

    In the recent days our country elected Donald Trump as President of the United States of America. Words cannot express my disappointment. It has motivated me to stop being idle and be more active in our democracy. It may be a small act for now, but I've started by writing letters to those who affected me most. Below you will find my open letter to Donald Trump:

      Donald Trump
      The Trump Organization
      725 5th Avenue
      New York, NY 10022

      Dear Mr. Trump,
      I know this is one of millions of letters you’ve received but please listen and do not dismiss my plea for unity. While you and I may disagree on a variety of policy issues, we also know that you will certainly fail as president if you do not bring our nation together. The responsibility is now yours to speak out loud, and most importantly often, denouncing the racism and other bigotries we are seeing across the country. This is something that can only be done by you, as the leader of the masses who now feel it’s appropriate to hate. You succeeded in winning over millions of voters (albeit the majority) and now have the privilege of being the face of America and listening to its citizens. Listen as the popular vote demands you speak out against such hatred. We will not tolerate it and if you want us on your side, you will agree and act as such.

      Thank you for listening,
      Rebecca Axner

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    Phase Three: Old Towns, Islands and Nature
    Phase Two: Keeping our Feet in Motion
    Phase One: Exploring the East