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    Monday, July 23, 2007

    Back in the swing

    Since Cheddar delayed posting for over three months, we figured it was time to take charge. We may not be that much better than Cheddar, but at least we have opposable thumbs.

    Our past three months
    After our big trip, things were a bit hazy for a week. We spent most of April reacclimating ourselves to daily life and being jealous of the Friedmans still off galavanting across the globe. May was filled with happy hours and hookahing for the big Chicago send-off. Rebecca took on a new position at work and Trevor finished his fifth year with Ulteig. We took weekend trips to Ely, Chicago, St. Louis and Chicago again. You can see some photos from a few of these trips through our photos link (right panel).

    Exciting news from our loved ones (in order of time)

    • Sam made it back to the US after a year and a half of teaching in China and traveling through Asia
    • Sara and Scott moved to Chicago and are on their way to becoming doctors
    • Erin and Vincenzo got approved for their visas to move back to the US
    • Florie and Gabe bought a new house and are preggers
    • Jennifer moved into her own apartment
    • Katie got hired at Bryant-Cave
    • Mike and Liz got hitched and are expecting a Krum
    • Rebecca's mom got hired at General Mills as a taster
    • Jay bought a condo in Minneapolis
    • Becky made it home safely after two years of being a brave soldier

    Congratulations to all of you!!!!! And thanks for making our lives interesting and bloggable.

    Coming Up
    The rest of the summer we hope to relax and spend some time up north. In any downtime, we'll be attending to our favorite half of the yard and other house improvements. We're heading to Florida to celebrate Josh and Ira's wedding, as well as hitting up a Walt Disney park. We also have tickets to San Fran for Erich and Jess's wedding.

    To anyone who is still out there, give us a shout!

    1 comment:

    Katie said...

    yeah!!! the blog is back!!! and gosh, i made the post!!


    This blog was originally created to keep family and friends updated throughout our travels. Over time, it has morphed into more than just our time abroad.

    Phase Three: Old Towns, Islands and Nature
    Phase Two: Keeping our Feet in Motion
    Phase One: Exploring the East